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Ebook - The (NON) Competitiveness of the European Union: Facts, Causes and Solutions

Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá (inglês)

This book focus on the European economy. Not on its political aspects. And it states facts, shying away from judgments and opinions.

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Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá (inglês)

The author has a master’s degree from the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management in California, where he studied with Peter Drucker. He received his doctorate (PhD) in Business Administration, from Columbia University.

He was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair the highest European academic award.

He also has two undergraduate degrees one in Economics (Technical University) and one in Business Administration (Catholic University) and a graduate degree in macroeconomics from Gulbenkian Foundation.
Vasconcellos e Sá is also President of the Portuguese Institute for Economic Freedom and the european editor of the USA magazine Paper Money.
His books have been translated into eleven languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Russian, Ukrainian, German, Lithuanian, Thai, Korean and Norwegian.

He has addressed conferences and given seminars at several universities.
He has worked as a private consultant, has been a non-executive director.
He has developed professional activities in several countries.

Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá With the collaboration of Fátima Olão, Magda Pereira and Cristina Fidalgo


Why is the European GDP per capita only 34/ of the USA’s?
And the productivity per hour 13% below?
And the productivity per person 22% below?
And the rate of unemployment almost the double of the USA’s?

“Inspiring and eye-opening. Outstanding”.
Marc Wagener (Director, Idea Foundation/Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg)

“Engaging, erudite, witty and to the point. It brings abstract concepts of business and the economy to life”.
Fredrik Erixon (President of the European Centre for International Political Economy in Brussels

This book focus on the European economy. Not on its political aspects. And it states facts, shying away from judgments and opinions.

I. Facts are our friends
II. The gap: EU15-USA difference in GDP per capita
III. The immediate causes
IV. The initial causes (and solutions)
V. Why the world needs a stronger European economy

  • Autor: Jorge Vasconcellos e Sá (inglês)
  • ISBN: 9789897684180
  • Título: The (NON) Competitiveness of the European Union: Facts, Causes and Solutions
  • Data de Edição: setembro 2017
  • Editor: Grupo Editorial Vida Económica
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Medidas: 14,8 x 21 cm
  • Nº de páginas: 72
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